Thursday, September 23, 2021

nothing ever happen

Nothing Ever Happen

Nothing ever happens at my house.
It’s all so normal.

My dad is mowing the lawn
mumś cooking Dinner
nana is going places
I am playing
My papa is sleeping
And my brother is on my mumś ipad
My sister is on her laptop

My dog is sleeping
My cats are eating
The shark are swimming


Nothing ever happens at my huose

By Jashaia


  1. Kia Ora Jashaia!
    Great creativity for this poem/description! I like how you played with repetitions of structures (parallelism) to create a rythm in your text. It also reinforce the feeling of monotonous (boring, repetitive) cycle!
    Did you edit your text before publishing it? You could maybe check your capital letters and spelling? I think that your key board changed s' into a funny letter. Or was it made on purpose?
    Something I found interesting when I am bored is to look around me like if I was discovering the place for the first time. Like a tourist. What do you notice? What do you hear? What do you smell?
    Try it, you might be surprised...
    Miss Mathilde

  2. Hey Jashaia Perhaps you could watch a movie or you can write a short story.

    Kind Regards



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